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We are excited to inform you that starting January 1st, 2025, we will transition to a new software system (called Odoo), to further enhance and streamline our business processes. This upgrade may bring some visible changes for you, such as adjustments to invoices, order confirmations, or other communications.
Rest assured, these changes are designed to improve the overall efficiency and quality of our services. If you have any questions or concerns about this transition, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Due to the rapid supply of OMEC motors of two 315 kW motors to the water sewage plant in  Gdansk, the city could be‎ prevented from flooding and grey and brown water contamination.

TV, Radio and other news media were mentioning this;”the Dutch saved us from wet feet”.

Nadal trwają prace zmierzające do usunięcia awarii, do której doszło we wtorek do południa w przepompowni ścieków Ołowianka, odbierającej 60 proc. nieczystości z Gdańska. Służby apelują, by do odwołania maksymalnie ograniczyć zużycie wody na dolnym tarasie.

More info and links:,Bay-of-Gdansk-feared-polluted-after-sewage-plant-failure